Deep learning service for object detection and counting
From your aerial shots, orthophotos or satellite imagery (RGB or multispectral), Drones Imaging offers you its machine learning service for objects detection and counting such as: plantations, vehicles, superstructures, various defects or any other standardized signatures. Entrust us with your images and we will process them as soon as possible.
Supervised classification
Zonal (area) detections
- Supervised classification for swimming pool detection (GEOTIFF, DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Classification for vegetation percentage (GEOTIFF, DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Supervised multi-classification (GEOTIFF, DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Supervised classification for hydrographic networks (GEOTIFF, DWG, DXF, SHP formats)
Deep learning
Point detections (counting)
- Plantation counting from orthophoto (DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Tree counting from orthophoto (DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Vehicule counting from image (DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
- Plants counting from multispectral orthophoto (DWG, DXF, SHP and other formats).
Your turnkey deliverables
Detection, location and plantations counting with a 50ha plot in Indonesia
5145 palm trees counted on the entire site. Work achievable from your aerial images whose overlaps meet photogrammetry standards. Contact us for more information.
Vehicle count at Disney Land
1235 vehicles counted in the entire car park. Work achievable from your aerial images whose overlaps meet photogrammetry standards. Contact us for more information.
Detection and counting of vine plants with a 2ha plot in Burgundy
In collaboration with D-Tection company, 7660 vines counted and located on the entire plot. Work achievable from your RGB or multispectral aerial images whose overlaps meet photogrammetry standards. Contact us for more information.
Automatic counting of photovoltaic panels with a solar power plant in French Guiana
In collaboration with Sentinel company, 11,916 solar panels detected and located across the entire site. Work achievable from your aerial shots whose overlaps meet photogrammetry standards. Contact us for more information.