Banks surveying for erosion monitoring
Banks surveying carried out by drone in French Guiana. Maman Valentin dam, July 2016: results obtained from 1460 aerial images taken by the Qualiconsult group, expert in diagnostics and technical inspections of constructions.
Topographic inspection of the banks

Elevation map of the banks

As illustrated above, orthophoto and digital surface model made it possible to build an elevation map of the 11 basins over a 500m length for a total of 3.7m drop. Subsequently and thanks to future flights with drone, this elevation map will serve as a reference to measure and monitor the erosion of the banks over time.
- Geomatics and post processing service : Drones Imaging company.
- Flights and aerial imagery : Qualiconsult Group.
- Spatial accuracy : centimeter with GNSS RTK receiver.
- Orthophoto RVB : GSD 1cm.
- Covered area : 06ha.
- Drone : Mikrokopter.
- Camera : Sony A6000.
- Photogrammetry software : Agisoft Metashape.
- Use case taught in aerial photogrammetry training : see more.