Aerial thermography by plane for the energy diagnosis of the urban community of Meaux
Aerial thermography by plane: results obtained from 18,790 infrared shots taken by the company Les 4 Vents. Post-processing and imagery analysis by Drones Imaging.
Aerial thermography by plane is a diagnostic method that allows mapping of temperature variations on a large metropolitan scale. Increasingly used in France, this technology enables the evaluation of building energy efficiency and the improvement of territorial planning.
The principle of aerial thermography involves using an infrared sensor onboard a plane to measure the thermal radiation emitted by buildings and urban surfaces in each image. The set of images, whose overlaps meet photogrammetry standards, enables the building of a detailed and georeferenced thermal orthophoto of the city, on which each infrastructure is perfectly locatable. Example below:
Thermal orthophoto of the urban community of Meaux

Once generated, the thermal orthophoto constitutes the ideal working support to locate leaks or overheating areas. It allows for easy detection of defects in urban equipment, evaluation of building energy efficiency, and more generally, mapping urban areas with high or low temperatures. Today, this technology is a valuable tool for property owners, infrastructure managers, or urban planners to make informed decisions about improving building energy efficiency or future urban planning.
Orthophoto and high resolution extract for the thermal diagnosis

- Infrared thermal image processing service : Drones Imaging company.
- Flights and aerial capture : Les 4 Vents company.
- Spatial accuracy : metric.
- Dataset : 18790 images.
- Orthophoto RVB : GSD 40cm.
- Covered area : 17100ha.
- Airborne platform : avion PIPER PA34.
- Infrared sensor resolution : 640×480.
- Photogrammetry software : Metashape.
- Geographic information system : ArcGis.
- Use case taught during our photogrammetry training : See more.