Water tower inspection by drone and aerial photogrammetry
Water tower inspection: results obtained from 1225 aerial images taken by the company D-tection. Post-processing and analyzes by Drones Imaging.
Surface inspection - 3D model and cylindrical projection
Inspection carried out to detect and locate surface defects (concrete break-ups and visible reinforcement rods) on the entire structure.
Flatness analysis of the DSM (Digital Surface Model generated by aerial photogrammetry) allowed the algorithmic detection of wall surface defects (concrete burst) and their classification by severity levels (hole depth). Subsequently, the RGB orthophoto (layered onto the DSM) also allowed the defects to be textured in order to precisely identify their level of gravity (by photo interpretation).
- Aerial images processing service : Drones Imaging company.
- Flights and aerial captation : D-Tection company.
- Spatial accuracy : centimeter.
- Orthophoto RVB : GSD 1mm.
- Drone : DJI Phantom 4.
- Photogrammetry software : Metashape.
- Export formats : GéoTiff and Dwg autocad.
- Delivery delay to the end customer : 2 days.